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Our Story

"It all started in Australia where I met my Sugar Guru. She showed me that I don’t have to suffer through painful waxing.

She showed me that there was a safe, natural, and gentle way to get rid of unwanted hair - sugaring!"After a lifetime of waxing and shaving - not without incident - I had finally found an alternative that not only gives me a miraculous glow, but is both gentle on my sensitive skin and the planet. It was a unicorn moment; finding a product that is everything; all benefit, no risk...no waste…no nasty chemicals.

"The results blew me away"

I’d been traveling around the world with my family for 3 months and it was time to de-fuzz. As serendipity would have... it I met her; the woman that would change the course of my life and set my sensitive skin free from the pain, torture and injury of waxing and threading. The results blew me away, and the byproduct was even more amazing; “the sugar wax is so natural you could eat it???”

Three months I met my sugar tribe in the South of France. These women 7th generation sugar makers from North Africa - took me into their fold and showed me their art of sugar-making in the cavernous hammams beneath the bustle of the city.

Fueled by the heartbreak of watching my 3-year old dodge plastic waste as he played on the beach, and armed with a secret 3000 years old, I set out to make a difference. I continued to experiment with the art of sugar-making until I struck gold in a lab in California. Our formula has modernized the ancient art of sugar to deliver a safe, easy and effective hair removal system that you can use anywhere...literally anywhere in the world. 

I’ve created a system that’s clean, green and effective, and I want to share it with everyone.I want to empower others to take control of their fuzz with a product that comes from nature and returns to nature without harming our only planet. Everyone wins!